You’ve found your way to Bridget and her Your Inspired Story team
because you know the truth:

Writing a powerful book changes the world one reader at a time. 

Let’s Get Honest About the Writer’s Struggle  

  Are you worried about getting stuck from the intense emotion of your story or getting the toughest parts out on paper?  

Is your life crazy-busy and you struggle to fit writing
into your schedule?

Are you in need of additional support, but in a private setting with Bridget and her trusted team?

There’s so much more detail and nuance for querying people in the publishing world than you expected. How do you apply what you’ve learned to the specific needs of your book?

Do you struggle with finding honorable and trustworthy publishers, editors, agents, and publicists to help launch your story into the world?

Don’t worry. We’ve got your back.

Listen to Andrew's experience:

Imagine your story impacting, educating, motivating, entertaining and inspiring readers everywhere.
Doesn't that feel GREAT?!

Imagine this:

Your book has helped you own your power as an Influencer. You just started a Movement. . .

Your immediate credibility opens doors into high-profile opportunities: speaking, media interviews, and more.

You successfully organize your busy life so that writing fits appropriately into your schedule --AND you're Getting. Stuff. Done!

You receive professional mentoring from a New York Times Bestselling author and book coach when you need it, especially during those tricky, messy sections of your story. Plus, the Book-Whisperer reviews your manuscript and adds that touch of polish that will WOW agents and publishers.

Outline. Complete. Rewrite. Polish. Pitch. Compel. Publish. Launch. Celebrate! 

It's more important than ever to have a book as a business card,
but why not have a book that will change the world
and leave a legacy?

This is where your leadership, and your story, come in. 

And this is where Bridget's brilliance will guide you to launch your story to acclaim and impact in months instead of years!

I'm Ready!

This is a premier coaching experience.

Every book, and every author’s needs, are different. This highly individualized program is specifically tailored to YOU.

With unprecedented access to the "Book Whisperer", you and Bridget will work one-on-one through all parts of your writing process and book development.

Bridget has the intuitive knack of arranging a story to create riveting tales and maximum impact on your reader. 

As an add-on service, Hannah Lyon of Castle Lyon Editing can provide professional editing and bring industry-level polish to your manuscript. 

"No matter your story, we help you create a dramatic hook in the beginning, an unforgettable ending, and we help you work out the mess in the middle."

Bridget, let's do this!

Bridget Cook-Burch is a New York Times & Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, mentor, transformational speaker, and passionate humanitarian. She helps you negotiate the often overwhelming and confusing world of writing, publishing and launching and loves to help you discover the absolute importance of your own story – and use your story to change the world!

Best known for her riveting tales of transformation, Bridget's powerful work has been showcased on Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, Dateline, The History Channel, NPR and in People, as well as translated in several languages.

Bridget’s New York Times Bestseller "The Witness Wore Red" tells the astonishing life story of Rebecca Musser, whose testimony brought down the insidious organized crime ring of the FLDS church. Bridget also wrote national bestselling "Shattered Silence, the Untold Story of a Serial Killer’s Daughter" with Melissa G. Moore, and "Skinhead Confessions: From Hate to Hope" with former neo-Nazi TJ Leyden.  

Her personal stories have been showcased in "Leading Women: 20 Influential Women Share Their Secrets to Leadership, Business, and Life"; and also "Living Proof" with Lisa Nichols from "The Secret."

As your guide to Your Inspired Story, she teaches and trains people just like you to become leaders, speakers and authors full-time, using many of the lessons she’s learned in business leadership, in global nonprofit women’s leadership, and in writing and publishing.

How we help you take your book project to the next level:

One-on-One Coaching

These sessions are loaded with focused attention and feedback on your book. You will meet with Bridget for each of your sessions via GoToWebinar, a dynamic video system that allows you to interact with one another. This intense feedback, along with your homework assignments, will transform your book before your eyes! 

Bridget's SOLE focus during your time together is on YOUR book. Sessions are recorded so you can reference them while doing your homework. In addition, Bridget works separately during the week going over your manuscript so she is prepared for next steps during the next session. 

Designed to make you an AUTHOR, not just a writer, this program sets you up for success in preparing for publication. Multiple package options are available for every budget.  

Access to Incredible Speakers, Authors, Agents, & Editors 

Spend Dinner with Us! As an Inspired Writer, you can return for a Retreat keynote dinner with a friend to hear the best-of-the-best – agents, authors, marketers, financial masters and more. Each guest speaker will help you to understand more about your own book and the opportunities waiting for you.  

An Invitation to The Inspired Writer's Retreat 

Receive a discount to my transformational Inspired Writers Retreat! Come back for more one-on-one with Bridget, collaboration with other authors, Level II curriculum based on your needs, and critical time to WRITE! Plus receive my Inspired Writer @home - a weekend writer's retreat in the privacy of your own home.  

Watch out world! You’re about to make your debut! 

“I had never been so stuck, stuck, stuck! Can I just say it sucked?

And yet, after one hour with Bridget, it was like my manuscript came back to life. I remembered why I was writing in the first place, who my message was for, and especially what I wanted to say. After working with this extraordinary woman, I finally knew how to say it!  

Thank you, Bridget! Can I call you my Miracle Worker?”  ~ Dan Eastman Jr., Boulder, CO

Which Executive Program package will help you
Complete, Pitch, and Launch? 

A Single Session

$500.00 ($1,500 Value)

See Payment Options
  • 1-Session with Live Consultation and Recording via Computer. 
  • Initial Strategic Consultation to determine your needs and create strategic outcomes; including publishing, goals for your book and your career. 
  • Package includes 10-20 pages per hour of consultation going over your work.  
  • Access to Brilliant Speakers, Motivators, Authors, & Marketers.

10-Session Package

$5,000 ($8,500 Value)

See Payment Options
  • Paid in Full Bonus = One EXTRA session or consultation valued at $500, for free!  
  • Initial Strategic Consultation to determine your needs and create strategic outcomes; including publishing, goals for your book and your career. 
  • Each Coaching Session is recorded via computer for your reference while doing your homework. 
  • Bridget's sole focus is on YOUR book during your time together.
  • Package includes 10-20 pages per hour of consultation going over your work.  
  • Access to brilliant speakers, motivators, authors & marketers.  
  • Access to literary agents, editors, & publishers on a personal basis.
  • Bridget's Book Tools: An array of tools specific to genres that save you time and money on writing and editing!
  • Special discount for a Level II Inspired Writer’s Retreat! Yes, that’s right!

20-Session Package

$10,000 ($17,000 Value)

  • Paid in Full Bonus = Two EXTRA sessions or consultations worth $1000, for free!
  • EXECUTIVE VIP DAY! -- 6 hours of 1-on-1 on your book + private lunch with Bridget in person or via Zoom video call.
  • Initial Strategic Consultation to determine your needs and create strategic outcomes; including publishing, goals for your book and your career. 
  • Each Coaching Session is recorded via computer for your reference while doing your homework. 
  • Bridget's sole focus is on YOUR book during your time together.
  • Package includes 10-20 pages per hour of consultation going over your work.  
  • Access to brilliant speakers, motivators, authors & marketers.  
  • Access to literary agents, editors, & publishers on a personal basis. 
  • Bridget's Book Tools: An array of tools specific to genres that save you time and money on writing and editing!
  • Special discount for a Level II Inspired Writer’s Retreat! Yes, that’s right!

IMPORTANT: for all Executive Coaching packages

  • We highly recommend that you do the one-hour sessions every week and schedule them in advance so you stay on course for your goals. 
  • For busy persons, every two weeks helps to keep the accountability factor in place.
  • Rescheduling or Cancellations: Because of the intense amount of work Bridget puts into your project, Sessions will not be charged as long as Author gives a minimum of 48 hours notice. Sessions canceled or rescheduled without notice are void and not refundable. Cancellations or Rescheduling due to emergency situations and/or sudden illness within the 48 hour time period are permissible and session fees will be waived. 

Bridget’s Mentorship Program is the best money our family ever invested! (My husband even agrees.)

Bridget is a heart and soul coach. When you work with her as a writer, you can count on her to listen compassionately, attentively, and with a keen ear to your needs, passions, and intentions. 

In the program she offers some amazing WICKED TOOLS to assist you in breaking the writing process down into smaller manageable parts so that writing your book feels doable and even delightful. Writers can change the world, and Bridget is there each step of the way to assist you in making the process easier and to cheer you on!"  ~ Marie Wallace, Author  

“This program has given me the education, plan, tools and confidence I had been missing to create my book and get it published! …I highly recommend Bridget Cook-Burch, her amazing team and the Inspired Legacy Method writing program. This course has transformed my writing and life from a writer to an AUTHOR!”  

~Travis Jessop, "Dying to Live" 

I'm ready to start!

You will Learn to Master the Art and Skills of Successful Writing, Polishing, Pitching, Publishing & Launching Your Book!  

  • How to write your full outline for your book 
  • How to create “Power Chapters” for readers and proposals 
  • How to (re)write the very best draft for agents & publishers 
  • How to design the best pitch and proposal, based on your genre 
  • How to seek out the “competition” for learning processes 
  • How to develop and design a platform that meets your own needs  
  • How to connect to other writers, coaches, and speakers that will assist you. 
  • How to find different programs and events that will accelerate your progress and best serve you in your work. 


 “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.”  

~ Bob Proctor, Author & Speaker


  What experience do I need to have to participate? No experience necessary, and all are welcome to attend: aspiring, published, or hobbyist. We cater to beginners through advanced writers. Executive Coaching concentrates on guiding you to becoming a published author and launching your career in a remarkable way. However, hobbyists will receive so much value for their journey—and will be so greatly informed if you ever decide to take your hobby into the pro realm! Anyone can write, and we help you take what skills you have and awaken the writer within.  

What if I only have an idea and not a full book outline yet?
Perfect! We work on that here – your beginning, your ending, and sorting out all of the mess in the middle.  

What if I am almost through with my manuscript? Perfect! We have had authors who were so grateful they participated in this program before they published. Their feedback has been that their books have become deeper, juicier, and much more powerful than they would have been—plus they learned how specifically they wanted to publish and how to get there.  

How long is each weekly coaching call? Each call will be ninety (90) minutes long, so please block that time in your calendar accordingly.  

How much time do I need to dedicate weekly to take care of homework? Approximately four to five hours a week should be sufficient.  

What if I have no clue how I’m going to publish?
Perfect again! We stay up on all of the latest trends so you know exactly which directions you can go. You will have your own preference for that decision based on you, your book, your needs, your career, and your desires.  

Where do your writers come from? All over the world. We’ve had people from all across the U.S. join us, and every program we’re getting more and more folks from outside the U.S. and Canada!  

I understand your specialty is non-fiction. What if my book is fiction?
Ooh, good question. First, there is some really intensive work we do on you as a writer, regardless of the genre. Second of all, we have special modules for our imaginative fiction authors to enhance your storytelling capabilities, characterization, plot, etc. You are so welcome to join us! We will all love to be inspired by you, as well as inspire you to create your best.  

What kind of payment options do you have? We offer payment plans with 2, 3, 4, or 6 payments. Choose which one best suits your needs. See our payment section for specific details.  

What is your refund policy? Honestly, this is such an infrequent occurrence for us! We rarely deal with this question. However if, within 30 days of your beginning date of the program, you find that it is not the right fit for you, I will refund the remainder of your payments minus the amount of services already utilized. For a Single Session Program refunds are unavailable.


“Stories transform people, move people, inspire people, and sometimes save people. If there is a story inside of you that can do that for someone, I really would encourage you to talk to Bridget . . . It just might change everything. It did for me.” 

~ Heidi Totten, Author, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist  

Join me and my team to finish what you started, in less time
and with more ease, grace, and celebration.

It really can be a joyful journey!

It's time to finish your book.